About Hearing Loss
Hearing loss, also known as hearing impairment, is a partial or total inability to hear. Hearing loss may be caused by a number of factors, including: genetics, ageing, exposure to noise, some infections, birth complications, trauma to the ear, and certain medications or toxins.
If left untreated, hearing loss may pave the way for cognitive decline and dementia. How come? When our hearing becomes diminished, we use less and less of our “social muscles,” such as conversation, that keep us connected to our loved ones. And the less we use those muscles, the weaker they become. Just as it becomes harder for our physical muscles to stay strong if we stop exercising them, it also becomes harder for our brains to stay sharp if we become less socially engaged. Hearing loss can sneak up on you and you can be unaware that you are not hearing well.
There are 3
main types of hearing loss
1. Conductive hearing loss
2. Sensorineural hearing loss
3. Mixed hearing loss
If you suspect you have hearing loss, consider these questions:
1. Do you often ask others to repeat themselves?
2. Have your family/friends told you they are concerned about your hearing?
3. Do you have difficulty following group conversations?
4. Is it difficult to understand conversation when there is background noise?
5. Do you like the volume on the TV or radio louder than everyone else?
6. Do you find it difficult to identify the direction from which sound is coming?
If you answered yes to three or more of these questions, you may be experiencing hearing loss. Talk to a hearing healthcare professional at Apex Hearing, and we can help you determine what course of action is right for you.
Good News!
Correcting hearing loss can bring many benefits to your life some of which may include:
• Feel less stress while trying to communicate
• Improved relationships with family and friends
• Better job performance
• Happiness
• More socially active
• More energy
Keep in mind, we have very friendly and dedicated staff who will make you feel most comfortable and truly welcomed in our clinic. We truly appreciate your business and continual faith in our services.
Get answers
What causes hearing loss?
Hearing loss can be caused by several factors – the aging process, disease heredity, exposure to noise and build-up of earwax, among others.
If I suspect I have a hearing loss, what should I do?
The best thing to do is make an appointment for a hearing screening with a licensed Apex Hearing Care Professional. The screening will tell you what you’re hearing and what you could be missing.
How much do hearing instruments cost?
The price of a hearing instrument varies depending on the style and technology selected.
Am I at risk for a hearing loss?
You could be at risk if you work (or spend a lot of time) in noisy environments without protecting your ears.
What should I expect when I get my hearing tested?
Your Apex Hearing Care Professional will first ask you about your lifestyle and hearing needs. Ears will be first checked for earwax. You will then be given a comprehensive hearing test. After completing the test your hearing specialist will review the results and make recommendations.
Can I try a hearing aid before I buy?
Yes, Apex Hearing offers you the opportunity to “test drive” a hearing aid to see what it sounds like in a variety of listening environments without the obligation to buy.
Can noise really hurt my ears?
Yes, noise can be dangerous. If it is loud enough and lasts long enough, it can damage your hearing.
How will I know which hearing aids are right for me?
Your Apex Hearing Care Professional will make the best recommendation for you based on your lifestyle, hearing loss, cosmetics and budget.
How do I care for my hearing aids?
• Keep hearing aids clean – get into a routine and clean it every morning or every night.
• Buy a battery tester and check your batteries regularly. Open the battery door or remove the battery completely each night.
Protect your hearing aids from moisture. Invest in a Dri-Aid kit and use it faithfully, especially during hot humid summers.
Remove any earwax deposits daily with the special brush that was provided with your hearing aid.
• Keep hearing aids in a hard shell container when not in use. Cats, dogs and children will play with them, lose them, eat them, etc.
Call us today to book an appointment!
Toll-free: 833-587-2739 | Local: 902-742-2221
Call us today to book an appointment!
Toll-free: 833-587-2739
Local: 902-742-2221
614 Main Street
Yarmouth NS B5A 1J9
Fax: 902-742-5334
Email: apexhearing1@gmail.com
Find us on Facebook
614 Main Street
Yarmouth NS B5A 1J9
Fax: 902-742-5334
Email: apexhearing1@gmail.com
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